Stone Tor |
This was one of the weirdest walks I've done to date and that is mostly for the weather. Back at home, all was misty but I had seen Yes Tor glistening in the sun that morning on Facebook, so decided to wing it! Turned out to be a bad idea in the end, or did it? Spoiler: I still attained two new bags out of it, and two revisits, but I did miss out on a further three new bags!
We parked up on the road verge near Batworthy Corner (SX 66299 86700) to head initially south-west up and over Shovel Down, which proved to be our (my) first mistake of the day. I didn't realise the grass would be so high and it wasn't easy for the Dogs and the family hated me! However, there were some interesting antiquities en route including a stone row.
Shovel Down stone row |
Then we proceeded, bearing left, around a bog, to reach Stonetor Hill, or Stone Tor as I prefer. This is a strange tor that is best described as a ruined tor, and it is somewhat akin to Coombe Down Tor.
Ladder stile above Stone Tor |
Fernworthy Forest |
Finding the gate proved a lot more difficult than I had anticipated and getting back to the car was more of a priority now. We found it, crossed a stream in a quick search of a possible lost outcrop, or outlier, south of Thornworthy Tor.
Stream crossing |
At SX 66302 84850 there is a huge flat outcrop near the path, where I had to negotiate Cows. It is a fair distance away from the main tor north and about 30 metres lower. I had been alerted to this feature via our
Tors and Rocks Facebook Group by a fellow member, Dave Hamnett, who had found this outcrop.
He had previously suggested Lower Thornworthy Tor as an appropriate name and I personally feel this is quite apt. So I will stick with it until any further notice of a name change but I do feel this as a separate bag in itself. Certainly, it is just as decent and worthy of a visit.
Lower Thornworthy Tor quarried rock face |
Lower Thornworthy Tor quarried rock face |
Lower Thornworthy Tor |
Lower Thornworthy Tor |
From here, it the short steep ascent to Thornworthy Tor. This was a revisit, but one I quite like. I love the classic view of the reservoir and the logan stone. This is where it all went downhill.
Having my Strawberries, we all noticed Cosdon Hill covered in a mist, heading towards Steeperton Tor; on my other side, Easdon Down and Shapley Tor disappeared. Minutes later, Assycombe Hill goes and we make a move - sooner rather than later...
Thornworthy Tor |
Thornworthy Tor |
Thornworthy Tor |
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